2016. október 10., hétfő

A Szavita Team angol nyelvű bemutatkozója:


Geza M. Timcak and Ivo Sedlacek are at the core of Savita Yoga. Over several decades, they have pursued new possibilities of connecting yoga with dedicated music and mantras. During their inspiring pilgrimages to India, and while conducting hundreds of courses and workshops around the world, they have continually refined and deepened new techniques that help to re-discover secret truths and hidden potential within the yoga practitioners.

Geza M. Timcak

is a yoga tutor and a certified holotropic breathwork facilitator with decades of experience in training people of various personal and cultural backgrounds. He has been instructed in yoga and meditation by European, Indian and Taiwanese masters and has travelled widely in pursuit of his yoga sadhana. For the last decades – apart from Savita Yoga – he facilitates yoga, human potential development and transpersonal courses throughout Europe. He is the author of a number of books and papers on yoga and related subjects.

Ivo Sedlacek

For many years, Ivo Sedlacek’s music has brought peace, inspiration and inner harmony to countless listeners around the globe. Ivo graduated from the Academy of Music in Prague and then studied classical music in India for several year with several well-known indian masters. His dedicated practice of yoga and spiritual disciplines opened the door to new musical dimensions and innovations. It created the path Ivo now follows, helping people to elevate their spiritual awakening through the healing and transformative effects of music. Apart from Savita Yoga seminars he also conducts workshops on mantras, music therapy and personal development, as well as performing live concerts. (“Mystical Violin”).

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